Saturday, April 12, 2014

What To Do When Sinus Medications Are Not Effective?

Have you ever felt that the medication that you are taking for your sinus infection is not having any effect? Many people might have taken a number of medications that had not done any good for them. These medications are quite a waste of time and money and thus should be replaced with something more effective. To find the right cure, it is important to first understand the symptoms of this condition.
Sinus Symptoms
The symptoms that are associated with sinusitis are cold, headaches, facial pains, congestion, pressure build-up, fatigue, fever, stuffy nose and a string of other disconcerting illnesses that can really disrupt the lifestyle of the person suffering from this condition. So, to improve the condition of the person, it is necessary to find solutions that will be effective.

If the symptoms occur for less than three weeks, then the infection is considered as acute, while if it continues for over twelve weeks then it can be classified as a chronic infection. Millions of people suffer from the effects of this disease in the US alone, which is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or allergens present in the environment.
Effective Sinus Home Remedies
Since many ages our ancestors have been using simple techniques that have shown great effectiveness in curing sinus infection. These techniques are quite easy to prepare, simple to use and are not a burden on your financial condition. These simple home remedies include hot baths, steam showers, herbal compresses, drinking tea and aromatherapy, among others. Acupuncture has also shown some application in providing relief from sinus conditions. For people who are looking for an easy way, there are a number of decongestants and painkillers that can provide relief from the symptoms. Antibiotics are also used to treat sinus infections caused by bacteria.
However, after trying out all these cures, many people often find that they are not getting complete relief from the infection and that after a short respite the symptoms come back up again. This is mainly because sometimes the treatment is not aimed at the root cause of the infection, but instead only aims to provide relief from the symptoms. A treatment that will address the main cause of the infection will be better able to treat the problem.
Nowadays, a number of newer technologies and treatment procedures are coming up that provide new avenues for the treatment of sinus symptoms. One of these is aerosolized therapy. This has shown great application in the healing and treatment of sinusitis, for both chronic and acute varieties. This technology releases tiny particles of medicine into the sinus openings, which provide relief to the patient. Liquid medicines are made into aerosol form to provide easy treatment. This method is quite safe and effective. So if you are not getting relief, then use a different method of treatment and see if that works for you.

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